


Friday night

One Good Thing: The bills are paid. I'm just not looking at the bottom line.
One Funny Thing: I'm listening to a podcast called "Dumb People Town." This episode isn't that great; in fact, I just switched to another one.
One Weird Thing: I find the fact that the mail carrier is stopping with my mail, even though the box is literally lying on the ground by the street, really amusing. And actually, amazing.

One God Thing:
Two are better than one,
because they get a good return for their effort.
For if they fall,
the one will lift up his companion.
But oy to the one who falls
and has no one to lift him up! (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
One Music Thing: I had a really annoying song stuck in my head this morning. Luckily, I have completely forgotten what it was. I'm not sad.
One Book Thing: I'm reading a book called Prairie Fires which is Laura Ingalls Wilder's biography set in history. Interesting, but a bit slow.

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